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J Med Educ. 1977 May;52(5):375-83. doi: 10.1097/00001888-197705000-00001.

Programs and positions available to U.S. medical students through NIRMP, 1976.

Journal of medical education

J S Graettinger

PMID: 850253 DOI: 10.1097/00001888-197705000-00001


An analysis of programs and positions in the first year of graduate medical education regarded as acceptable by U.S. medical students suggests that the ratio for all positions is about one per graduate and even less in primary care programs. Since approximately 95 percent of positions are now in institutions affiliated with academic health centers, these medical-school-hospital complexes should be supported to increase positions in primary care programs in order to accommodate the two-thirds of U.S. graduates who want to begin their graduate medical education in these disciplines.

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