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J Psychol. 1977 Nov;97(2):205-13. doi: 10.1080/00223980.1977.9923964.

Perceived appraisals by others, self-esteem, and anxiety.

The Journal of psychology

D C Lundgren, M R Schwab

PMID: 926050 DOI: 10.1080/00223980.1977.9923964


Questionnaire data from 595 male and female college students were used to test four hypotheses regarding interpersonal sources of anxiety--i.e., that high anxiety occurs as a function of (a) low subjective public-esteem (perceived negative appraisals of self by others); (b) low self-esteem; (c) discrepancies where subjective public-esteem is more negative than self-esteem; and (d) absolute discrepancies between subjective public-esteem and self-esteem, regardless of evaluative direction. The results suggested that level of self-esteem and absolute discrepancies between subjective public-esteem and self-esteem are important and relatively independent factors in anxiety.

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