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J Clin Nurs. 1997 Mar;6(2):153-60.

Changes in reported dietary habit and exercise levels after an uncomplicated first myocardial infarction in middle-aged men.

Journal of clinical nursing

A J Newens, E McColl, S Bond


  1. University of Hull, Institute of Nursing Studies, UK.

PMID: 9188354


Education of patients and their partners about appropriate lifestyle changes following myocardial infarction (MI) is a key element in rehabilitation; developing relevant educational strategies requires a knowledge of patient beliefs and attitudes. This paper reports findings from a survey of diet and exercise in a group of 153 middle-aged men who had suffered a first uncomplicated MI. Just over half of those questioned expressed a desire to change their diet post-MI; those who perceived their pre-morbid diet to be 'less healthy' were more likely to want to change. Significant changes in food consumption (towards a more healthy diet) were observed at 3 months post-MI. Patients were less likely to change their behaviour with respect to exercise, and few attained recommended levels of physical activity either pre- or post-MI. Patients held a number of misconceptions regarding the role of diet and exercise in predisposing to coronary heart disease, and the need for change in behaviour. Beliefs and behaviour change were only weakly associated with receipt of information and advice. The findings have important messages for the more appropriate targeting of information-provision during the period of rehabilitation.

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