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PubMed Central Free PMC Article

Health Care Financ Rev. 1995;16(4):155-73.

Surveying consumer satisfaction to assess managed-care quality: current practices.

Health care financing review

M Gold, J Wooldridge


  1. Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., Washington, DC 20024, USA.

PMID: 10151887 PMCID: PMC4193529
Free PMC Article


Growing interest in using consumer satisfaction information to enhance quality of care and promote informed consumer choice has accompanied recent expansions in managed care. This article synthesizes information about consumer satisfaction surveys conducted by managed-care plans, government and other agencies, community groups, and purchasers of care. We discuss survey content, methods, and use of consumer survey information. Differences in the use of consumer surveys preclude one instrument or methodology from meeting all needs. The effectiveness of plan-based surveys could be enhanced by increased information on alternative survey instruments and methods and new methodological studies, such as ones developing risk-adjustment methods.


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