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Showing 13 to 24 of 1870 entries
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A New Year message from the President.


Plowman N.
PMID: 4810258
Radiography. 1974 Jan;40(469):2.

No abstract available.

How to outwit the department of radiology.

The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society

Rhinehart WJ.
PMID: 4267695
J Ark Med Soc. 1973 May;69(12):383-7.

No abstract available.

[Expert evaluation of the informativeness of the UAR-1 device for analyzing radiographs].

Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii

Koroliuk IP, Gural'nik LI, Vakulich EA, Shinkin VM, Petrov VN.
PMID: 3201714
Vestn Rentgenol Radiol. 1988 Jul-Aug;(4):41-6.

No abstract available.

[Experience in the operation of the Roentgen-40 x-ray diagnostic complex].

Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii

Vakhrushev AA, Dmitriev GI, Chikirdin EG.
PMID: 3201725
Vestn Rentgenol Radiol. 1988 Jul-Aug;(4):86-7.

No abstract available.

[Awards of the Röntgen plaque, 1970].

Rontgenpraxis; Zeitschrift fur radiologische Technik

[No authors listed]
PMID: 4930741
Rontgenpraxis. 1970 Nov;23(11):274-5.

No abstract available.

Letter: Focal spot size.

The British journal of radiology

Waters G.
PMID: 949585
Br J Radiol. 1976 May;49(581):477. doi: 10.1259/0007-1285-49-581-477-b.

No abstract available.

[Cassette holder for obtaining x-ray photographs].

Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal

Kunitsyn DV.
PMID: 4439689
Voen Med Zh. 1974 Oct;(10):82.

No abstract available.

[Crohn's disease. X-ray and endoscopic diagnosis].

Revue medicale de Liege

Vosse-Matagne G.
PMID: 1251092
Rev Med Liege. 1976 Jan 15;31(2):51-6.

No abstract available.

An earth bonding tester. A cassette chest.


[No authors listed]
PMID: 4816537
Radiography. 1974 Feb;40(470):42-3.

No abstract available.

[Radiographic signs of the activity of tuberculosis of the lungs].

Klinicheskaia meditsina

Mikhaĭlov FA.
PMID: 4444238
Klin Med (Mosk). 1974 Dec;52(12):127-31.

No abstract available.

[Diagnosis of pulmonary cysts].

Radiologia diagnostica

Putzar K, Börner H, Ionescu G.
PMID: 4048424
Radiol Diagn (Berl). 1985;26(4):487-91.

No abstract available.

[The case of spurious pulmonary cyst in a child 2 months old].

Przeglad lekarski

Ligudzińska W.
PMID: 5024534
Przegl Lek. 1972;29(3):432-5.

No abstract available.

Showing 13 to 24 of 1870 entries