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A cultural psychological model of cross-national variation in gender gaps in STEM participation

stem intervention research

Adams G, Soylu N.
N Soylu Yalcinkaya, G Adams - Personality and Social …, 2020 -

Gender gaps in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) participation are larger in societies where women have greater freedom of choice. We provide a cultural psychological model to explain this pattern. We consider how individualistic/post-materialistic cultural patterns in WEIRD...

The intersections of biological diversity and cultural diversity: towards integration


Pretty J, Adams B, Berkes F, De SF.
GSID: DcuWgLrMbtoJ
J Pretty, B Adams, F Berkes, SF De Athayde… - Conservation and …, 2009 - JSTOR

… We investigate four bridges linking both types of diversity (beliefs and worldviews, livelihoods and … cultural diversity in a combined approach to conservation. The degree to which biological … diversity is predicated on a concomitant effort to appreciate...

Studying the Landscape of Families and Children's Emotional Engagement in Science across Cultural Contexts

STEM education

Adams M, Fleer M, Gunstone R.
M Fleer, M Adams, R Gunstone, Y Hao - International Research in Early …, 2016 - ERIC

It has been reported that in cross-cultural contexts, Western science content is often not used in everyday practice, and the learning of science is often viewed as difficult and having no …

Understanding Learning Environments at the Graduate Level: A Qualitative Analysis of Doctoral Engineering Education Programs within the United States

Graduate training programs stem

Adams B.
GSID: L5LT5oaMvt0J
B Adams - Proceedings of Student Research and Creative …, 2019 -

… current, graduate, engineering education (ENGE) programs … People Learn framework into their programs of study (Bransford… STEM education for different levels of academic programs to …

Secondary prevention risk interventions via telemedicine and tailored patient education (SPRITE) a randomized trial to improve postmyocardial infarction …

education interventions

Adams M.
GSID: AItihC0qzqAJ
BR Shah, M Adams, ED Peterson… - … Quality and Outcomes, 2011 - Am Heart Assoc

… We hypothesize that a novel telemedicine intervention with tailored patient education could improve cardiovascular risk factors. … monitors plus a tailored patient education intervention and be enrolled in HeartVault. However, the patient education intervention will be delivered by...

Ethnic variation in gender-STEM stereotypes and STEM participation: an intersectional approach

STEM and underrepresented

Adams G, O'Brien LT.
GSID: aT84aarCK_oJ
LT O'Brien, A Blodorn, G Adams… - Cultural Diversity and …, 2015 -

… majors are women and the goal of the present article is to understand why women are underrepresented in traditional STEM fields. Psychology was not added to the DHS list of …

How do biodiversity and culture intersect


Adams B, Berkes F, Ferreira S, Pretty J.
GSID: wdTtpfwTFvYJ
J Pretty, B Adams, F Berkes, S Ferreira de Athayde… - World, 2008 -

There is a common recognition around the world that the diversity of life involves both the living forms (biological diversity) and the world views and cosmologies of what life means …

How and why do interventions that increase health overall widen inequalities within populations


Adams J, White M.
M White, J Adams, P Heywood - Social inequality and public …, 2009 -

Health inequalities between groups within populations defined by place of residence, race, ethnicity or culture, occupation, gender, religion, age, education, income or other measure of …

Supporting elementary pre-service teachers to teach STEM through place-based teaching and learning experiences

STEM education

Adams AE.
AE Adams, BG Miller, M Saul… - … & Mathematics Education, 2014 -

… across courses or emphasis on place-based pedagogies and STEM education. While each course continues to offer many discipline-specific … In the following sections, we outline the design of the integrated STEM education experiences in the methods block. These...

Why don't stage-based activity promotion interventions work?


Adams J, White M.
J Adams, M White - Health education research, 2005 -

… individualized stage-based activity promotion interventions are any more effective than control … interventions; that the stages of change model encourages focus on stage progression which is not always associated with behaviour change; and that truly stage-based interventions …

Are activity promotion interventions based on the transtheoretical model effective? A critical review


Adams J, White M.
GSID: w4rU4YaeeQUJ
J Adams, M White - British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2003 -

The health benefits of physical activity are well documented yet 70% of adults remain sedentary. It has been suggested that inverventions based on the transtheoretical model of …

Relational sensibilities and women's participation in computer science and information technology degrees: A cultural-historical approach

Science and underrepresentation

Adams M, Morgan K.
GSID: oc4_yzwWvLcJ
M Adams, K Morgan - Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 2021 - Elsevier

… The main aim of this paper is to use the concept of moral imagination to examine women's underrepresentation in the CS and IT fields and to better understand what may shape the …

Showing 1 to 12 of 2428 entries