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The effects of mentally handicapped children on families--a conceptual review.

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines

Byrne EA, Cunningham CC.
PMID: 2933420
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1985 Nov;26(6):847-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.1985.tb00602.x.

Recent research which examines the effects of mentally handicapped children upon families is reviewed. The studies are grouped into three categories based on the underlying conceptions which appear to guide them. The first category examines which families are most...

Mental retardation.

Pediatrics in review

Healy A.
PMID: 3332359
Pediatr Rev. 1987 Jul;9(1):15-22. doi: 10.1542/pir.9-1-15.

No abstract available.

Characteristics of home environment of families with mentally retarded children: comparison across levels of retardation.

American journal of mental deficiency

Blacher J, Nihira K, Meyers CE.
PMID: 3812601
Am J Ment Defic. 1987 Jan;91(4):313-20.

To help fill the relative void of information about families of severely mentally retarded school children, we described 53 such families comparatively with 54 families of EMR and 50 of TMR children. All children resided in their natural homes;...

Interactions of preschoolers with and without handicaps in integrated and segregated settings: a longitudinal study.

Mental retardation

Beckman PJ, Kohl FL.
PMID: 3821500
Ment Retard. 1987 Feb;25(1):5-11.

No abstract available.

Self-regulation and mental retardation.

American journal of mental retardation : AJMR

Whitman TL.
PMID: 2404497
Am J Ment Retard. 1990 Jan;94(4):347-62; discussion 363-76.

The educational and research implications of defining mental retardation as a self-regulatory disorder were explored. Behavioral, social-learning, and cognitive conceptualizations regarding the structure and development of self-regulation were examined. Emphasis was placed on showing how these conceptualizations compliment each...

Tutorial on modeling ordered categorical response data.

Psychological bulletin

Agresti A.
PMID: 2648444
Psychol Bull. 1989 Mar;105(2):290-301. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.105.2.290.

In the past decade there has been great progress in the development of methodology for analyzing ordered categorical data. Logit and log linear model-building techniques for nominal data have been generalized for use with ordinal data. There are many...

[Does a handicapped person disturb the vacation enjoyment of a non-handicapped person? Remarks on the Frankfurt handicapped judgment].

Fortschritte der Medizin

Scholler H.
PMID: 6452395
Fortschr Med. 1981 Feb 19;99(7):203-6.

No abstract available.

A comparison of the performance of normal, learning disabled, and educable mentally retarded children on Cattell's ability constructs.

Journal of learning disabilities

Hill DS.
PMID: 7410968
J Learn Disabil. 1980 Aug-Sep;13(7):383-6.

No abstract available.

Anthropology and mental retardation: research approaches and opportunities.

Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Edgerton RB.
PMID: 6734246
Cult Med Psychiatry. 1984 Mar;8(1):25-48. doi: 10.1007/BF00053100.

Although mental retardation is largely a sociocultural phenomenon, anthropological interest in this field has been slow to develop. In recent years, anthropological concepts and methods have been used in study of the community adaptation of mentally retarded persons and...

Research concerning stereotyped behaviors. Implications and suggestions for the management of profoundly mentally retarded individuals.

Journal of rehabilitation

Gerber PJ, Griffin HC.
PMID: 7277368
J Rehabil. 1981 Jul-Sep;47(3):68-70.

No abstract available.

[Exchange with the villagers--inhabitants at a home for mentally retarded in Hokkaido].

[Kango] Japanese journal of nursing

Yamazaki T.
PMID: 3854386
Kango. 1985 May;37(6):32-7.

No abstract available.

The dimension of adaptive behavior in mental retardation research: an analysis of recent practices.

American journal of mental deficiency

Smith JD, Polloway EA.
PMID: 495669
Am J Ment Defic. 1979 Sep;84(2):203-6.

The dimension of adaptive behavior has been accepted by many professionals as an important component of identification in mental retardation since the definitions of Heber (1961) and Grossman (1973). In order to investigate the impact of this more comprehensive...

Showing 1 to 12 of 252 entries