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Am J Ment Defic. 1979 Sep;84(2):203-6.

The dimension of adaptive behavior in mental retardation research: an analysis of recent practices.

American journal of mental deficiency

J D Smith, E A Polloway

PMID: 495669


The dimension of adaptive behavior has been accepted by many professionals as an important component of identification in mental retardation since the definitions of Heber (1961) and Grossman (1973). In order to investigate the impact of this more comprehensive concept of mental retardation on research practices, we analyzed the use of adaptive behavior in the selection and description of subjects. This investigation was based in research articles published in the Americal Journal of Mental Deficiency from 1974 through 1978. In a significant percentage of the articles reviewed, the researchers had not attended to adaptive behavior and used only measures of intellectual functioning for descriptive purposes. These results were discussed in light of the validity of research on mental retardation. Recommendations were included for future research practices.

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