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Nurs Health Care Perspect. 1998 May-Jun;19(3):107.

Teach a nurse to fish.

Nursing and health care perspectives

J J Fitzpatrick

PMID: 10426105


Several years ago as a new faculty member, I participated in one of the first outreach MSN programs. My assignment was to teach research courses in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan as part of this new and exciting "distance education" effort. I have fond memories of that teaching experience--not only because of the beauty of Lake Superior in all its glory, but most especially because of the warmth and dedication of the students who traveled miles for the centralized course. I also have fond memories of the small town community spirit. One of the most significant lessons I learned while there was from the local radio station. Each day, as radio listeners, we were instructed to "stop and congratulate ourselves." I was struck then, and continue to cherish now, the wisdom in this message.

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