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Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1991;875-6.

AuthorBase: a database of authoring systems software.

Proceedings. Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care

R Lo, C Locatis, E Ullmer, V Carr, R Banvard, Q Le, M Williamson, M Ackerman

PMID: 1807735 PMCID: PMC2247658
Free PMC Article


A working prototype database of authoring system software was developed as part of a study of authoring software conducted by the National Library of Medicine. The database and development issues ranging from the scope of the database to what information to document are described. The protype demonstrates that records of reasonable integrity can be derived from vendor supplied information as long as users understand the database is only an initial starting point in searching for authoring software and a resource for becoming generally familiar with the technology.

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