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Br J Clin Psychol. 1990 Nov;29(4):443-4. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8260.1990.tb00911.x.

Overgeneralization: an important but non-homogeneous construct.

The British journal of clinical psychology

A K MacLeod, J M Williams


  1. MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, UK.

PMID: 2289083 DOI: 10.1111/j.2044-8260.1990.tb00911.x


Two self-report scales--the Cognitions Questionnaire (Fennell & Campbell, 1984) and the Attitudes to Self Scale (Carver & Ganellen, 1983)--which attempt to measure overgeneralization in depression are described. In line with previous research, both measures correlated with levels of depression, but the lack of a direct relationship between them implies that the construct of overgeneralization may not be a homogeneous one. Suggestions are made for future research which include elaboration of the construct and the development of new methods for measuring it.

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