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Imprint. 1989 Dec-1990 Jan;36(5):41-2.

Is there a mentor in your career future?.


C Vance

PMID: 2606501


Your new career in nursing holds limitless possibilities for you. Successful career planning and career development must inevitably include the presence of strong nurturing relationships. Whatever form these support relationships take--be it mentor-protege or peer-peer--they will play an increasingly important role in helping you develop as a competent, happy, successful, and confident professional. As members of the nursing profession, we have an edge on helping and being helped by each other. We have strong nurturing backgrounds. We have a deep concern for and sensitivity to human needs. We can help each other as mentors or peer colleagues. Finding mentors and other types of support connections along your career path is essential for "making it" in the professional work world. Each of us needs the gift of mentoring, both as recipient and as giver.

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