Grain for green: cost-effectiveness and sustainability of China's conservation set-aside program. Uchida E, Xu J. E Uchida, J Xu, S Rozelle - Land Economics, 2005 - GSID: gTHFtPZTfEwJ
At loggerheads?: agricultural expansion, poverty reduction, and environment in the tropical forests. [No authors listed] GSID: sTDTx4HcvkMJ
Global impacts of conversions from natural to agricultural ecosystems on water resources: Quantity versus quality. [No authors listed] GSID: 5YLvyXUp-zYJ
China's sloping land conversion program: institutional innovation or business as usual?. [No authors listed] MT Bennett - Ecological economics, 2008 - Elsevier GSID: OiaBErk1GQ4J