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P Heger, A Russell - Fine Focus, 2021 - openjournals.bsu.edu

Nylon Oxygen Barrier Tubing Reduces Biofouling in Beer Draught Lines.

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation

[No authors listed]

GSID: IDchpupdwUAJ


Beer draught lines are frequently contaminated with biofilm-forming microorganisms, which forces retailers to spend considerable time and money cleaning and replacing lines. In light of this financial burden, draught tubing composition was examined for its role in the prevention of biofouling in beer lines. Three types of draught tubing-vinyl, polyethylene, and nylon barrier-were inoculated with a combination of biofilm-forming microorganisms (Hafnia paralvei, Raoultella planticola, Pediococcus damnosus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and …

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