Making assessment meaningful: What new student affairs professionals and those new to assessment need to know. Bresciani MJ. MJ Bresciani - 2011 - Citeseer GSID: Q2oLpE0rv1oJ
Assessment essentials: Planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education. [No authors listed] TW Banta, CA Palomba - 2014 - GSID: v8TXYCB42sMJ
One size does not fit all: Traditional and innovative models of student affairs practice. Kinzie J, Schuh J. K Manning, J Kinzie, J Schuh - 2012 - GSID: k0pEFtENpnwJ
Redesigning America's community colleges: A clearer path to student success. [No authors listed] TR Bailey - 2015 - GSID: zbhXc2C_cf0J