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Elsevier Science

Ann Emerg Med. 1983 Jul;12(7):452-4. doi: 10.1016/s0196-0644(83)80347-3.

Pediatric esophageal foreign body with minimal symptomatology.

Annals of emergency medicine

P Bailey

PMID: 6881637 DOI: 10.1016/s0196-0644(83)80347-3


Presented is the case of a child who swallowed a large plastic button that required endoscopic removal from the esophagus. A 5 1/2-year-old girl was seen in the emergency department on two occasions after having told her parents of the ingestion. There were no clinical findings. Results of AP roentgenogram were negative. Six days after the initial visit, the child developed a fever and mild anterior neck discomfort on palpation and flexion. A barium swallow clearly revealed the impacted foreign body. Removal under general anesthesia and subsequent course were uneventful.

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