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American Physical Society

Phys Rev Lett. 1985 Apr 15;54(15):1624-1627. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.54.1624.

Measurement of tau lifetime and branching ratios.

Physical review letters

Ash, Band, Blume, Camporesi, Chadwick, Clearwater, Coombes, De Sangro R, Delfino, Fernandez, Ford, Gettner, Goderre, Groom, Heltsley, Hurst, Johnson, Kaye, Lau, Lavine, Lee, Leedy, Lynch, Marini, Maruyama, Messner, Meyer, Moromisato, Moss, Muller, Nelson, Peruzzi, Piccolo, Prepost, Qi, Read, Ritson, Ronga, Rosenberg, Shambroom, Sleeman, Smith, Venuti, von Goeler E, Wald, Weinstein, Wiser, Zdarko

PMID: 10031091 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.54.1624

[No abstract available.]

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