STEM and males
Li C.
GSID: wI3U4pUiGicJ
M Liu, X Liu, J Kang, H Korpelainen, C Li - Journal of hazardous materials, 2020 - Elsevier
… cathayana females and males respond to Cd stress. We hypothesize that males have superior Cd … In both sexes, Cd favored the pith and vascular tissues in stem cross-sections. …
LIU, Miao, et al. Are males and females of Populus cathayana differentially sensitive to Cd stress?. Journal of hazardous materials, 2020, vol. 393, p. 122411.
Liu, M., Liu, X., Kang, J., Korpelainen, H., & Li, C. (2020). Are males and females of Populus cathayana differentially sensitive to Cd stress?. Journal of hazardous materials, 393, 122411.
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Build and Broaden 3.0 AND Program Evaluation
Di L, Manfredi G.
GSID: i5pR-Jc6ftEJ
L Di Sarno, AS Elnashai, G Manfredi - Engineering structures, 2011 - Elsevier
In the aftermath of recent earthquakes there has been substantial field evidence demonstrating that the collapse of several existing structures was caused by the effects of the vertical component of seismic ground motions. Such field evidence has not yet...
Di Sarno, L., Elnashai, A. S., & Manfredi, G. (2011). Assessment of RC columns subjected to horizontal and vertical ground motions recorded during the 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake. Engineering structures, 33(5), 1514-1535.
Di Sarno, L., A. S. Elnashai, and G. Manfredi. "Assessment of RC columns subjected to horizontal and vertical ground motions recorded during the 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake." Engineering structures 33.5 (2011): 1514-1535.
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engineering education
Fu S, Li J.
J Li, S Fu - Science and engineering ethics, 2012 - Springer
Engineering ethics education is a complex field characterized by dynamic topics and diverse students, which results in significant challenges for engineering ethics educators. The …
Li, J., & Fu, S. (2012). A systematic approach to engineering ethics education. Science and engineering ethics, 18(2), 339-349.
Li, Jessica, and Shengli Fu. "A systematic approach to engineering ethics education." Science and engineering ethics 18.2 (2012): 339-349.
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educational research
Li H, Rao N.
GSID: RH3VtP6ccucJ
EYH Lau, H Li, N Rao - Educational Research, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
… Two research questions guided this investigation: … cities in China and are likely to have more western educational influences, such as the inclusion of parents in … The present study also built upon previous parental involvement research and...
Lau, E. Y., Li, H., & Rao, N. (2011). Parental involvement and children's readiness for school in China. Educational Research, 53(1), 95-113.
Lau, Eva YH, Hui Li, and Nirmala Rao. "Parental involvement and children's readiness for school in China." Educational Research 53.1 (2011): 95-113.
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science instruction
Li J.
J Li - Standards in education, 2007 -
Nearly ten years ago, the phrase “a mile wide and an inch deep” entered the public and academic discourse on science education in the US It was the stinging indictment from the …
Li, J. (2007). Bridging across the mile-wide and mile-deep chasm. Standards in education, 7, 33.
Li, Junlei. "Bridging across the mile-wide and mile-deep chasm." Standards in education 7 (2007): 33.
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teaching innovation
Li L.
GSID: zqzjjBhli_8J
L Li - System, 2014 - Elsevier
This article explores how eight secondary school teachers integrated educational technology into English language teaching in Beijing, China and considers their views of the …
Li, L. (2014). Understanding language teachers' practice with educational technology: A case from China. System, 46, 105-119.
Li, Li. "Understanding language teachers' practice with educational technology: A case from China." System 46 (2014): 105-119.
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STEM and diversity
Li F, Matny O, Sperschneider J, Upadhyaya NM.
F Li, NM Upadhyaya, J Sperschneider, O Matny… - Nature …, 2019 -
… diversity is crucial for the evolution of new traits, with mutation and sexual recombination as the main drivers of diversity … contributing to genetic diversity in asexual populations has been …
Li, F., Upadhyaya, N. M., Sperschneider, J., Matny, O., Nguyen-Phuc, H., Mago, R., ... & Figueroa, M. (2019). Emergence of the Ug99 lineage of the wheat stem rust pathogen through somatic hybridisation. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-15.
Li, Feng, et al. "Emergence of the Ug99 lineage of the wheat stem rust pathogen through somatic hybridisation." Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 1-15.
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STEM education program evaluation
Forbes A, Li H, Yang W.
H Li, A Forbes, W Yang - Early Education and Development, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This special issue on early STEM education collects ten articles that present a series of studies covering topics about curriculum and pedagogy, teacher education and professional development, family environment, and inclusive education for enhancing young children's STEM learning experiences....
Li, H., Forbes, A., & Yang, W. (2021). Developing culturally and developmentally appropriate early STEM learning experiences. Early Education and Development, 32(1), 1-6.
Li, Hui, Anne Forbes, and Weipeng Yang. "Developing culturally and developmentally appropriate early STEM learning experiences." Early Education and Development 32.1 (2021): 1-6.
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STEM and underrepresented
Li H, Puvirajah A.
GSID: tcsBMdjg11cJ
A Puvirajah, G Verma, H Li… - International Journal of …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
… three-week STEM and STEM-teaching experiences for underrepresented minority (primarily … and encourage students to consider STEM fields including STEM teaching as a viable …
Puvirajah, A., Verma, G., Li, H., & Martin-Hansen, L. (2015). Influence of a Science-Focused After-School Program on Underrepresented High-School Students' Science Attitudes and Trajectory: A survey validation study. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 5(3), 250-270.
Puvirajah, Anton, et al. "Influence of a Science-Focused After-School Program on Underrepresented High-School Students' Science Attitudes and Trajectory: A survey validation study." International Journal of Science Education, Part B 5.3 (2015): 250-270.
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pipeline programs
Kumar S, Li L, Wei T.
H Liang, T Wei, Y Xu, L Li, S Kumar Sahu… - International journal of …, 2019 -
Selenoproteins that contain selenocysteine (Sec) are found in all kingdoms of life. Although they constitute a small proportion of the proteome, selenoproteins play essential roles in …
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program AND Program Evaluation
Endter‐Wada J, Li E, Li S.
GSID: 8Dy9aaUglo0J
E Li, J Endter‐Wada, S Li - JAWRA Journal of the American …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
We characterize and compare water challenges confronting the 28 megacities of the world in 2014. Relying on existing literature and diverse primary data sources, we present a unique portrait at a global scale of the water implications of the...
Li, E., Endter‐Wada, J., & Li, S. (2015). Characterizing and contextualizing the water challenges of megacities. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 51(3), 589-613.
Li, Enjie, Joanna Endter‐Wada, and Shujuan Li. "Characterizing and contextualizing the water challenges of megacities." JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51.3 (2015): 589-613.
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Build and Broaden 3.0 AND Program Evaluation
Emani P, Li B, Lou S, Xu M, Yan C.
GSID: Bcf71QpuPT8J
B Wang, C Yan, S Lou, P Emani, B Li, M Xu, X Kong… - Structure, 2019 - Elsevier
A key issue in drug design is how population variation affects drug efficacy by altering binding affinity (BA) in different individuals, an essential consideration for government regulators. Ideally, we would like to evaluate the BA perturbations of millions of...
Wang, B., Yan, C., Lou, S., Emani, P., Li, B., Xu, M., ... & Gerstein, M. (2019). Building a hybrid physical-statistical classifier for predicting the effect of variants related to protein-drug interactions. Structure, 27(9), 1469-1481.
Wang, Bo, et al. "Building a hybrid physical-statistical classifier for predicting the effect of variants related to protein-drug interactions." Structure 27.9 (2019): 1469-1481.
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