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Except Child. 1990 Dec-1991 Jan;57(3):258-63. doi: 10.1177/001440299105700308.

Kindergarten screening predictive inaccuracy: first-grade teacher variability.

Exceptional children

G M Fedoruk, C A Norman

PMID: 2286212 DOI: 10.1177/001440299105700308


Screening kindergarten students to predict first-grade achievement is characterized by rather gross errors over identification and under identification. This lack of predictive validity may be the consequence of overly simplistic conceptualizations that fail to take into account differences in first-grade teachers. This study attempted to evaluate the extent to which first-teachers differ in their preferences, requirements, and expectancies of students. Twenty-one teachers ranked 86 student descriptors on a continuum ranging from "absolutely contributes to student success" to "absolutely contributes to student failure." Results suggest that teachers vary considerably in the way they rank student descriptors and that these variations may be a factor in the predictive inaccuracy of kindergarten screening.

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