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Med Educ. 1989 Nov;23(6):512-21. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1989.tb01577.x.

Effects of the vocational training of general practice consultation skills and medical performance.

Medical education

R Grol, H Mokkink, A Helsper-Lucas, V Tielens, J Bulte


  1. Department of General Practice, University of Nijmegan, The Netherlands.

PMID: 2593882 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1989.tb01577.x


The effects of the vocational training of general practitioners in the Netherlands on the consultation skills and medical performance of junior doctors were studied. Results obtained at a training institute providing systematic training in these skills (Nijmegen) were compared with those at an institute taking a problem-based learning approach (Groningen). Trainees (n = 63) audiotaped consultations and recorded their medical performance at the start and at completion of training. The skills were evaluated with the aid of validated criteria and medical 'protocols'. Data on 631 pre-training and 624 post-training consultations were compared. Changes in consultation skills and medical performance occurred at both institutes and proved more marked at the institute providing systematic training. Improved medical performance was found to be associated with improved consultation skills. Enhanced clinical knowledge was found to be related to improved medical performance and consultation skills. The most profound changes were found in junior doctors who had started at a lower level of consultation skills and medical performance.

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