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Int Nurs Rev. 1988 Jul-Aug;35(4):107-9.

Health for all: a transnational model for nursing.

International nursing review

M Salmon, M Talashek, A Tichy


  1. Public Health Nursing, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

PMID: 3417391


If nursing is to realize "Health for All by the Year 2000", culturally diverse primary health care approaches should be easily communicated across borders. So agreed a cultural mix of nursing leaders when they met at an international conference at the University of Illinois at Chicago. At the time the conference participants formed small groups to discuss nursing's leadership role in WHO's global strategy. At one group session, which included this paper's authors, the germ was planted for the recent formation of the following conceptual model--transnational, cultural and lingual in its origin--to provide nursing services through a common understanding.

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