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J Cult Divers. 1998;5(3):101-9.

From the borders: reforming the curriculum for the at-risk student.

Journal of cultural diversity

T Maynard, M Moore-Jazayeri, K Tayebi


  1. University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, USA.

PMID: 10025303


As the demographics of the United States change to reflect a growing, diverse population, higher education must address the needs of first-generation, low-income, and ethnically diverse students. This paper examines the problems of these students, presents a theoretical framework for a multicultural curriculum, and outlines a successful curricular approach designed to facilitate the retention of this student population. By utilizing Critical Multicultural Theory, the authors propose a program, the Academic Program for Excellence, comprised of a multicultural, thematically linked curriculum enhanced by academic support services, cultural activities, and career exploration.

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