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J Contin Educ Nurs. 1990 Sep-Oct;21(5):216-8.

Continuing nursing education: a perspective.

Journal of continuing education in nursing

M A Kathrein

PMID: 2120297


This article takes a renewed look at continuing education (CE) within the discipline of nursing. Increasing complexity in the personal, professional, and social environments in which nursing is practiced, as well as changes in the present educational foundation of nurses all signal a need for a broader, more comprehensive concept of the content and process of CE. The continuing professional learning process (CPLP) is presented as a beginning attempt to view nursing CE from a more comprehensive perspective. The CPLP is a multifaceted, helical, on-going process of learning, patterned and directed by the learner. The CPLP, which incorporates the multiple contexts of nursing and nursing practice, and which may encompass learning of an informal, formal, or academic nature, has as its end the enhancement of the professional and the profession.

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