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J Appl Behav Anal. 1982;15(3):325-34. doi: 10.1901/jaba.1982.15-325.

Training counseling skills: an experimental analysis and social validation.

Journal of applied behavior analysis

P L Whang, R K Fletcher, S B Fawcett

PMID: 7142059 PMCID: PMC1308279 DOI: 10.1901/jaba.1982.15-325
Free PMC Article


A community development perspective suggests the value of using local resources to solve local problems. Two low-income staff of a community service center served as nonprofessional counselors after receiving a training program consisting of written instructions, practice, and performance feedback. The effects of the 40-hour training program were positive for both counseling and problem-solving skills. There was also evidence of generalization of counseling performance across clients, problems, and time. In addition, expert judges' ratings of performance were obtained as a measure of social validity. These findings suggest that the training procedures are effective in enhancing the counseling and problem-solving skills of low-income nonprofessionals.

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